At the crossroads of the "communication", "links with companies" and "links with the general public" poles, the members of the Greenyd association offer scientific mediation workshops at the Terra botanica park in Angers every summer weekend in 2019!
The objective is to present to the general public products being marketed by some of the 800 partner companies of the Vegepolys competitiveness cluster! It also gave us an opportunity to present our association!
22 et 23 juin 2019
Justine Colou (pôle "lien avec le grand public")
et Marie-Anne Le Moigne (chargée de communication)
Week-end du 14 juillet 2019
Juliette Bénéjam (secrétaire et chargée de communication)
et Mathieu Marc (président et chargé de communication)
Week-end du 14 juillet 2019
Thibault Barrit et Xabi Cazenave