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Statutes of the association

To register and consult job offers

Internal rules of the association

    These rules and regulations present some specifications concerning the statutes of “THE ASSOCIATION OF SFR QUASAV PHD AND PHD STUDENTS” with the usual name “Green Young Doctors” or “Greenyd”. This association aims to unite PhD and PhD students, inside the Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Qualité et Santé du Végétal (SFR QuaSaV), and to promote their professional network and their insertion in the public or private companies. These rules and regulations will be given to each member of the association. It will be voted every year during the general meeting and it must be signed at the time of the registration to the association.

Titre I : members


Article 1er - composition

The “Greenyd” association is composed of all the members presented on the website at the following address: .


Article 2 - registration

Any member commits to pay a registration fee whose price is fixed every year during the general meeting, following this procedure:

The vote will be realized by a show of hands for the members present and through a Google form for the members absent, before the general meeting.

For the year 2019, the registration fee is  10 euros. The payment of this registration fee must be realized by cheque, by cash or by bank transfer to the “Greenyd” association within one month after registration.

The registration is not refundable, even in case of resignation, death or revoking of the member.

The partners do not pay any registration but can occasionally sponsor some activities.


Article 3 - admission de nouveaux membres

The registration to the association is open all the year round. An e-mail must be sent to the association ( with the registration form completed and signed and after the payment of the registration within one month following the demand.


Article 4 - revocation

In agreement with the article 8 of the “Greenyd” association statutes, a revocation can only occur if a damage to the image of the association or a non-payment of the registration. The revocation must be pronounced by the association board with 60 % of the votes, after explanation of the person concerned.

Article 5 – démission, décès, disparition

Any person who wants to resign must send their decision to the association board by e-mail. The resigning members cannot be reimbursed for their registration. In case of death, the membership is of course suppressed.

Titre II : Administration and funti

Article 6 - le bureau

The association board represents the association and organize its activities.


Its operating procedures are as follows:
The President, Treasurer and Secretary will fulfill the roles inherent to their function.

The role of the association's president: Mathieu Marc

The role of the President of the association is to supervise and make proposals with the managers of each cluster to propose activities. He leads the (monthly) meetings with the members of the Bureau to participate in the implementation of the activities. He represents the association with its associative, institutional and private partners. It is the guarantor of the orientation of the association defined by the GA. He presents an annual report of activities to the GA, alongside the accounting report provided by the treasurer/treasurer.

The role of the association's treasurer: Elise Bizouerne

The role of the association's treasurer is to ensure the association's accounting and financial management. He makes payments, collects revenue, ensures that the association's members pay their dues, manages the association's bank account and ensures that the association has sound financial management. It draws up the provisional budget submitted to the association's general meeting and a financial report (content of revenue, nature and amount of expenditure) presented to the association's annual general meeting.

The role of the association's secretary: Juliette Bénéjam

The secretary of the association is responsible for administrative and legal tasks. Prior to the general meetings, he is in charge of convening and distributing agendas in collaboration with the president and the communication department. During these meetings, he or she ensures that votes are cast, conducted (definition of tellers if necessary at the beginning of the meeting) and counted, taking into account the number of voters present, represented or voting by post.  After the GA, he or she is responsible for the drafting and signing of the minutes by the President as well as the drafting of minutes referring to all the exchanges, votes and decisions of the GA. In collaboration with the communication department, he ensures that all this information is disseminated to all members and participants of the GA.


In addition to these roles, there are also those of:

    Communications Officer(s): Mathieu Marc, Juliette Bénéjam, Marie-Anne Le Moigne
The communication officers are attached to three missions: ensuring the centralization and redistribution of information; managing communication around the association; and ensuring the mobilization of potential members to ensure the sustainability of the association.

    Corporate Relations Department: Adrien Perrin, Yassine Benzidane, Céline Lefort, Justine Foucher
The "relations with companies" pole's role is to make the training and skills of SFR/Quasav doctoral students known to companies and to promote the integration of doctors in private practice. The corporate relations department will also be able to approach companies to obtain sponsorship of the association's scientific or social events.

    International Relations Department: Julia Zinsmeister, Diana Lopez Arias, Lili Zang
The "international relations" department is responsible for maintaining links with SFR QUASAV alumni established abroad, welcoming and supporting SFR QUASAV doctoral and post-doctoral students from abroad, informing the association of the possibilities of opening up its career internationally, and putting the association in contact with other associations located abroad.

    Pole of scientific dissemination to the general public: Elise Réthoré, Justine Colou, Thibault Barrit, Guillaume Chesneau
The "scientific dissemination to the general public" pole is responsible for organizing outreach activities to make science accessible, to arouse young people's interest in science, and finally to promote the association and the activities of SFR QuaSaV in a didactic way.

    Centre for scientific activities: Alexis Porcher, Wilfried Chevalier, Kévin Debray
The "scientific animation" pole ensures the sharing and communication of scientific knowledge between the various members of the Greenyd association. Its main activities are to allow the dissemination of new data, to respond to experimental problems or to promote the updating of scientific knowledge.

    Integration and associative life: Elise Bizouerne, Julia Courtial
The "integration and associative life" pole ensures the smooth integration of the association's new members and makes it possible to create and maintain links between current and past SFR QUASAV doctoral and post-doctoral students through friendly activities.

Article 7 - general meeting

In agreement with the article 11 of the "Greenyd" association statutes, the general meeting takes place once a year, by the convocation of all members via an e-mail of the president. The e-mail must be sent at least 15 days before the general meeting.

Every decision must be voted by a show of hands for all the members present and through a Google Form for the persons absent. The votes are counted by two tellers chosen before the beginning of the meeting by the secretary and named on the report.

The agenda is fixed by the board and indicated on the convocation. The president chairs the general meeting and exposes the moral situation and the activity of the association from the past year, together with the other members of the board. The projects for the following year are also proposed to the assembly. The treasurer exposes the annual accounts before the approbation by the assembly.  The general meeting elects the board members by a majority of the votes. All decisions are voted by a show of hands. The decisions taken at the general meeting are applied to all members, including the members that were not present at the meeting. The secretary writes the report of the general meeting and send it to all members of the association within two weeks after the general meeting. The report is also published on the association website.

Article 8 - extraodinairy general meeting

In accordance with article 12 of the statutes of the association "Greenyd", an extraordinary general meeting may be convened at the request of half plus one of the registered members or at the request of the board. The President may convene an extraordinary general meeting in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Statutes and only for the amendment of the latter, the dissolution of the Bureau or for acts relating to buildings.

The procedures for convening and voting are the same as those set out for the ordinary general meeting (Article 7 of the internal regulations).


Titre III : Miscellaneous provisions


Article 9 - modification of the rules and regulations

These rules and regulations are written by the board of the “Greenyd” association, in agreement with article 15. They can be modified by the board upon proposal of the members. The proposal must be sent at least three weeks before the next general meeting, in order to add it to the agenda. Any modification of the rules and regulations must be voted during the general meeting.

The new rules and regulations will be sent to all members by e-mail. They will also be published on the website within 30 days after the general meeting.

Article 10 - mailing lists

The "Greenyd" association uses four types of mailing lists.

  • The first one concerns the members of the association board for the organization of the activities. This list is divided into six lists corresponding to the different axes of the association, in order to make the communication easier between the members of each group.

  • The second list comprises all members of the association. It will be used to send a monthly newsletter, which presents the next activities and the report of the previous ones

  • The third one is used to send a newsletter to the partners of the association four times a year.

  • The fourth one comprises the potential members and partners of the association.


Article 11 – confidentiality

Any information that is published on the website and only available to the members cannot be diffused to non-members.

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