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Green young doctors

SFR QuaSav's Perimeter
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Association activities
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About the association

To register and consult job offers

Greenyd is an association created in 2018 which brings together doctoral students, doctors and post-doctoral fellows who have worked or are working within the Federal Structure for Research on Plant Quality and Health (SFR QuaSaV).

Through the many activities proposed, the association has the following objectives:


  •  to be the privileged actor in professional and social relations between doctoral students, doctors and post-doctoral fellows of SFR QUASAV, as well as members of other associations.


  •  to promote and support any relationship that benefits the careers of its members, in particular by creating a recruitment pool for plant companies in France and abroad.


  •  to promote the influence of SFR QuaSaV.

Greenyd association organize for you...

A societal debate on CrispR-case9!

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