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A Federal Research Structure is a voluntary grouping on the same site of teams attached to different institutions around a unifying scientific project combining scientific added value and pooling of resources. It is a flexible structure that respects the prerogatives and specificities of the various partner institutions below.


Since January 1, 2008, the scientific teams of INRA, Agrocampus Ouest and the University of Angers have been grouped together under the IFR Quasav (QUAlité et SAnté du Végétal), which on January 1, 2012 became SFR Quasav.

SFR 4207 Quasav currently employs 380 people, including 150 researchers and teacher-researchers and 60 PhD students!
Uniting scientific axes:
- axis 1: sustainable management of plant health (health and physiological status),
- axis 2: biology, quality and health of seeds,
- axis 3: qualities of specialized crop production.

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